TOWN OF LIMESTONEBOARD OF SELECTPERSONS AND ASSESSORSMeeting MinutesWednesday, April 19, 2023 at 6:30pm
1. Call to order Time – 6:30pmBoard Members Present: Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck_x Pelletier _x Philbrick _x2. Pledge of Allegiance & Prayer3. Adjustments to Agenda – None4. 4.1 Approval of April 5, 2023 minutes selectboard minutes and April 12, 2023 special town meeting minutes. Motion made by Brooker to accept as read, 2nd by Durepo. No discussion. So voted.Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _x5. Committee & Board ReportsPhilbrick – Nothing to report.Pelletier – Nothing to report.Brooker – Nothing to report. Labreck – Nothing to report.Durepo – Nothing to report.6. Manager’s Report6.1 Town Manager Report - Elliott reports he has been preparing the budgets. He also has a couple of items he needs their approval on 1)Versant wants to replace a couple of poles one on the corner of Ward Rd and Rte. 89 and the other Leighton and High Street corner. Board signatures needed and then it will go to the register of deeds. Motion made by Pelletier for Versant to replace poles and 2nd by Philbrick. No discussion. So voted.Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _x2) Elliott reports in 2017 $4,000 was approved for a digital sign and never purchased. He has found one for $12,000 double sided and would like to put in an article for town warrant. Discussion about electrical and cement and whether that would be part of the warrant. It would not. Pelletier made a motion to put $12,000 digital sign in article for town warrant 2nd by Durepo. Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _xDurepo asks for a Police Dept update. Labreck referred to Elliott and Chief Cormier. Chief Cormier gave an update on the inventory, putting files away, electronic equipment being boxed, evidence room is halfway completed. The Sheriff Dept is taking the calls now and in May the State Police will be taking the calls. LPD will continue shutting down the office and should be done by end of April. Chief Cormier discussed if you don’t have a policy to destroy the weapons and you decide to sell it should be law enforcement. Pelletier has served 28 years on the LPD and would like to purchase his firearm. Chief Cormier states its usual the gun and badge go with the officer.Durepo made a motion to have Elliott take appropriate action as to gun and badges including Pelletier’s request. 2nd by Brooker. No further discussion. So voted.Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _xChief Cormier asked about selling the police vehicles. Elliott states there are interested parties but it is not on agenda so he would like Chief Cormier to let him know when they are ready.The board publicly thanked Cormier, Pelletier and Butler. Durepo asked if we should have money in the budget to cover officer court costs and other costs. Currently the cost to test drugs if they go to court is $660. Cormier recommends $10,000 to be put aside as a lot of cases in backlog due to covid. Butler recommends one person in charge of storage of materials in the evidence room and DA said should appoint someone like the town manager as evidence must be kept 88 years.Elliot has someone interested in Rec. Director.7. Public Comments - None8. Old Business -8.1 Trafton Caretaker and fees – Elliott states he is currently advertising for someone to take care of Trafton Campground and mow there. Durepo asks if he could put it on town’s Facebook and website. Durepo states he called the other town owned campgrounds in the County and the rates the board agreed upon during budget talks are low and compared to others and we should also have WIFI. Durepo makes a motion for Trafton Seasonal campsites $950 and $100 for refrigerators. Daily & weekly rates should match accordingly. 2nd by Philbrick. Discussion, Brooker would like a board member to oversee. Labreck and Elliott puts Brooker as the head of the Trafton committee to report on monthly. Butler states he wrote up 3 pages of documentation on Trafton and he will supply a copy to Brooker. No further discussion. So voted. Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _x8.2 Insurance Fees -Elliott states he spoke with employees about insurance and gave information to Board and the following changes for next year are 100% on individual, 20% for family, Remove stipend. Brooker made a motion to accept changes to employee insurance, 2nd by Durepo. No discussion. So voted. Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _x9. New Business –9.1 Budget - Elliott and board members have copies of budget and Elliott goes page by page on changes they had agreed on the night before during workshop. (See budgets sheets) Durepo questions adding money into hiring a firm to close our books monthly as that was a recommendation from the audit. Discussion on whether it is needed and how much. Elliott has not had time to call to get a price. Labreck makes a motion to add $20,000 to the budget, 2nd by Durepo. Discussion – Elliott would like to call and get a price and report back. Labreck withdrew her motion. Discussion on paver & roller and the town’s ability to get paving done and at a cost savings. Labreck asks for a motion, Brooker makes a motion to accept budget, 2nd by Pelletier. Discussion. Durepo would like the answer to the couple of questions the board has and felt those two items could be tabled so made a motion to amend the motion, 2nd by Philbrick. No further discussion. Voted 2 in favor, 3 against. Amendment did not carry.Durepo _x Brooker _ Labreck _ Pelletier _ Philbrick _xMotion by Randy to accept budget , 2nd by Pelletier. No discussion. So voted.Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _xPelletier states we can generate a warrant with an article to pursue pave & roller, Philbrick agrees. Durepo makes a motion to table until Friday, 2nd Brooker. No further discussion. So voted.Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _x9.2 Executive session April 21st, 2023 @5pm with Green4Maine. See attached paper.9.3 Sand Bid Opening – Lowest bid K&M. Motion made by Philbrick to accept and 2nd by Labreck. Discussion. If sand tests fail, they will go to next lowest bidder. The testing is weight and sieve. No further discussion. So voted.9.4 Virginia Place – Green 4 Maine Holdings LLC is interested in taking it and renovating it. They said not to schedule tank removal they will take care of it. Brooker made a motion to turn it over to them and they can also do the legal paperwork, 2nd Pelletier. No discussion. So voted.Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _x9.5 ATV Club @Trafton Lake – Chris King talked about huge market for ATV friendly campgrounds. The Trail Hawks would make a trail off the trail. Labreck states concerns of the past. King states club gets landowner permission and it becomes a club sponsored trail as part of ATV Maine. Brooker makes a motion ATV would be allowed into Trafton on a trial basis once club has landowner permission and established trail, 2nd by Durepo. No further Discussion. So voted.Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _x10. Elected Officials Reports & Statements –Philbrick – asks about whether the insulation purchased for highway dept is going to be done. Kaiser is going to use some of the materials on salt shed and Elliott wants some for Bath House at Trafton Lake.Pelletier – OkayBrooker – OkayDurepo - Okay11. Other- Brook Court land – two interested parties and town also uses the land as a turnaround. At this time the town has decided not to sell but continue to keep it for a turnaround area.12. Approve Warrants - 12.1 Payroll Warrants #49 Brooker made a motion to accept as read, 2nd Pelletier. #51 Brooker made a motion to accept as read, 2nd Durepo. #52 Brooker made a motion to accept as read, 2nd Pelletier12.2 A/P Journal 0340 Motion made by Durepo to accept as read, 2nd by Pelletier.Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _x Pelletier _x Philbrick _x13. Executive Session – Discussion concerning economic development of G4ME pursuant to Title 1 M.R.S.A. §- 8:15 – 9:00 Upon returning from Executive Session, statement was made as negotiations are on going.14. Adjournment @ 9:10PM.
1. Call to order Time – 6:30pmBoard Members Present: Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck_x Pelletier _x Philbrick _x2. Pledge of Allegiance & Prayer3. Adjustments to Agenda – None4. 4.1 Approval of April 5, 2023 minutes selectboard minutes and April 12, 2023 special town meeting minutes. Motion made by Brooker to accept as read, 2nd by Durepo. No discussion. So voted.Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _x5. Committee & Board ReportsPhilbrick – Nothing to report.Pelletier – Nothing to report.Brooker – Nothing to report. Labreck – Nothing to report.Durepo – Nothing to report.6. Manager’s Report6.1 Town Manager Report - Elliott reports he has been preparing the budgets. He also has a couple of items he needs their approval on 1)Versant wants to replace a couple of poles one on the corner of Ward Rd and Rte. 89 and the other Leighton and High Street corner. Board signatures needed and then it will go to the register of deeds. Motion made by Pelletier for Versant to replace poles and 2nd by Philbrick. No discussion. So voted.Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _x2) Elliott reports in 2017 $4,000 was approved for a digital sign and never purchased. He has found one for $12,000 double sided and would like to put in an article for town warrant. Discussion about electrical and cement and whether that would be part of the warrant. It would not. Pelletier made a motion to put $12,000 digital sign in article for town warrant 2nd by Durepo. Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _xDurepo asks for a Police Dept update. Labreck referred to Elliott and Chief Cormier. Chief Cormier gave an update on the inventory, putting files away, electronic equipment being boxed, evidence room is halfway completed. The Sheriff Dept is taking the calls now and in May the State Police will be taking the calls. LPD will continue shutting down the office and should be done by end of April. Chief Cormier discussed if you don’t have a policy to destroy the weapons and you decide to sell it should be law enforcement. Pelletier has served 28 years on the LPD and would like to purchase his firearm. Chief Cormier states its usual the gun and badge go with the officer.Durepo made a motion to have Elliott take appropriate action as to gun and badges including Pelletier’s request. 2nd by Brooker. No further discussion. So voted.Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _xChief Cormier asked about selling the police vehicles. Elliott states there are interested parties but it is not on agenda so he would like Chief Cormier to let him know when they are ready.The board publicly thanked Cormier, Pelletier and Butler. Durepo asked if we should have money in the budget to cover officer court costs and other costs. Currently the cost to test drugs if they go to court is $660. Cormier recommends $10,000 to be put aside as a lot of cases in backlog due to covid. Butler recommends one person in charge of storage of materials in the evidence room and DA said should appoint someone like the town manager as evidence must be kept 88 years.Elliot has someone interested in Rec. Director.7. Public Comments - None8. Old Business -8.1 Trafton Caretaker and fees – Elliott states he is currently advertising for someone to take care of Trafton Campground and mow there. Durepo asks if he could put it on town’s Facebook and website. Durepo states he called the other town owned campgrounds in the County and the rates the board agreed upon during budget talks are low and compared to others and we should also have WIFI. Durepo makes a motion for Trafton Seasonal campsites $950 and $100 for refrigerators. Daily & weekly rates should match accordingly. 2nd by Philbrick. Discussion, Brooker would like a board member to oversee. Labreck and Elliott puts Brooker as the head of the Trafton committee to report on monthly. Butler states he wrote up 3 pages of documentation on Trafton and he will supply a copy to Brooker. No further discussion. So voted. Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _x8.2 Insurance Fees -Elliott states he spoke with employees about insurance and gave information to Board and the following changes for next year are 100% on individual, 20% for family, Remove stipend. Brooker made a motion to accept changes to employee insurance, 2nd by Durepo. No discussion. So voted. Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _x9. New Business –9.1 Budget - Elliott and board members have copies of budget and Elliott goes page by page on changes they had agreed on the night before during workshop. (See budgets sheets) Durepo questions adding money into hiring a firm to close our books monthly as that was a recommendation from the audit. Discussion on whether it is needed and how much. Elliott has not had time to call to get a price. Labreck makes a motion to add $20,000 to the budget, 2nd by Durepo. Discussion – Elliott would like to call and get a price and report back. Labreck withdrew her motion. Discussion on paver & roller and the town’s ability to get paving done and at a cost savings. Labreck asks for a motion, Brooker makes a motion to accept budget, 2nd by Pelletier. Discussion. Durepo would like the answer to the couple of questions the board has and felt those two items could be tabled so made a motion to amend the motion, 2nd by Philbrick. No further discussion. Voted 2 in favor, 3 against. Amendment did not carry.Durepo _x Brooker _ Labreck _ Pelletier _ Philbrick _xMotion by Randy to accept budget , 2nd by Pelletier. No discussion. So voted.Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _xPelletier states we can generate a warrant with an article to pursue pave & roller, Philbrick agrees. Durepo makes a motion to table until Friday, 2nd Brooker. No further discussion. So voted.Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _x9.2 Executive session April 21st, 2023 @5pm with Green4Maine. See attached paper.9.3 Sand Bid Opening – Lowest bid K&M. Motion made by Philbrick to accept and 2nd by Labreck. Discussion. If sand tests fail, they will go to next lowest bidder. The testing is weight and sieve. No further discussion. So voted.9.4 Virginia Place – Green 4 Maine Holdings LLC is interested in taking it and renovating it. They said not to schedule tank removal they will take care of it. Brooker made a motion to turn it over to them and they can also do the legal paperwork, 2nd Pelletier. No discussion. So voted.Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _x9.5 ATV Club @Trafton Lake – Chris King talked about huge market for ATV friendly campgrounds. The Trail Hawks would make a trail off the trail. Labreck states concerns of the past. King states club gets landowner permission and it becomes a club sponsored trail as part of ATV Maine. Brooker makes a motion ATV would be allowed into Trafton on a trial basis once club has landowner permission and established trail, 2nd by Durepo. No further Discussion. So voted.Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _ x Pelletier _x Philbrick _x10. Elected Officials Reports & Statements –Philbrick – asks about whether the insulation purchased for highway dept is going to be done. Kaiser is going to use some of the materials on salt shed and Elliott wants some for Bath House at Trafton Lake.Pelletier – OkayBrooker – OkayDurepo - Okay11. Other- Brook Court land – two interested parties and town also uses the land as a turnaround. At this time the town has decided not to sell but continue to keep it for a turnaround area.12. Approve Warrants - 12.1 Payroll Warrants #49 Brooker made a motion to accept as read, 2nd Pelletier. #51 Brooker made a motion to accept as read, 2nd Durepo. #52 Brooker made a motion to accept as read, 2nd Pelletier12.2 A/P Journal 0340 Motion made by Durepo to accept as read, 2nd by Pelletier.Durepo _x Brooker _x Labreck _x Pelletier _x Philbrick _x13. Executive Session – Discussion concerning economic development of G4ME pursuant to Title 1 M.R.S.A. §- 8:15 – 9:00 Upon returning from Executive Session, statement was made as negotiations are on going.14. Adjournment @ 9:10PM.